Monday, July 1, 2013

Google Hangouts and High School Football

Google Hangouts and High School Football can be united to broadcast the game live from the school's YouTube channel. 

Yes. It is possible. 

Equipment needed in the press box:
  1. Internet connection 
  2. Computer 
  3. External video camera connected to computer
Point camera to playing field
Insert microphone for announcer
Start a Google Hangout OnAir 
Proceed to make history 

These sound like simple steps because they are just an idea. Later this fall I plan to set this up with our football coach to stream live high school games for the community. 

How to make it happen:
  1. Create a Google Document that has a schedule 
  2. Hyperlink the YouTube link to the Hangout OnAir in the document 
  3. Shorten the Schedule Document using 
  4. Share the link on Facebook, Twitter or G+  or old fashioned email 
  5. Watch the game from anywhere
Keep posted for more on this as it happens closer to the school year. Football is just the beginning. 

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